A beautiful DISCIPLINA sestertius of Hadrian
Los 1194
Hadrian, 117-138. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 34 mm, 27.48 g, 6 h), Rome, circa 134-138. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P Laureate and draped bust of Hadrian to right. Rev. DISCIPLINA AVG / S - C Hadrian advancing right, holding roll in his left hand, followed by officer and three soldiers holding standards. BMC 1487. Cohen 542 var. RIC II.3 1905. Rare. A beautiful example of this interesting issue with a lovely, albeit somewhat rough patina. Some corrosion and with light deposits, otherwise, about extremely fine.

This intriguing reverse alludes to Hadrian's insistence on strict military discipline, as indicated by the legend DISCIPLINA AVG. Both Dio Cassius and the Historia Augusta recount Hadrian's rigorous adherence to military protocol. Despite his reputation as a Graecophile and a lover of life's finer pleasures, Hadrian did not shy away from the hardships of soldiering. He trained alongside his troops, enduring the same rigors, consuming their simple fare, and marching long distances in full gear. This commitment likely stemmed from a desire to be seen as a strong military leader, akin to his adopted father, Trajan.
750 CHF
15000 CHF
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